New Organic Certification Information
New organic handlers may apply for certification at any time. Please review the MTDA Organic Policy Manual before applying for organic certification as it provides details to many frequently asked questions about the MTDA Organic Certification Program.
Steps for Certification
- Read the most recent version of the NOP standards.
- Submit completed application forms and applicable fees to MTDA ( by September 15 th each year for renewing applicants ).
- MT DA will review your application to determine compliance to the NOP standards and provide an estimate of your certification costs for the year.
- MTDA will schedule an on-site inspection of your operation.
- MTDA will conduct a final review of your application and inspection materials to complete the certification process.
Organic Handlers
Below is a list of forms that are required for those applying for organic certification.
- Handler Application Form
- Handler System Plan Form
- Ingredient Supplier List Addendum (xlsx)
- Product Profile Form With Corresponding Labels (xlsx)
- Product Profile Summary Form With Corresponding Labels
- A Product Flow Diagram needs to be provided with the handler application package.
Optional Form Available for All Handlers
Details about the Organic Cost Share Program. This application is due with all other application materials and requires a completed W-9 Form to verify the applicants tax ID or social security number. Please note that W-9 forms cannot be submitted by email because they contain sensitive information. Completed W-9 forms should be sent by mail or sent electronically using the secure Montana State File Transfer Service. Any W-9 form submitted via email will be rejected by the State of Montana email system.
National Organic Program Code of Federal Regulations
Montana Rules & Code: Organic Program
